Toxic Relationship with a Gaslighter


In the 1944 film Gas Light, Gregory manipulated his wife, Paula to a point where she no longer trusts her own sense and perceptions of reality. In the main scene of the movie, Gregory causes the gaslights in the house to flicker by turning them on. When Paula asks Gregory why this is happening, Gregory […]

The ‘Men’ in Mental Health is Non-Existent


It has long been understood that mental health in India is still a stigma for many people. Although the tide is changing, it is a slow, and sometimes exasperating, process. But where do our men lie in all of this? Even in the most progressive countries, reports suggest women are consistently more likely to use […]

How To Flourish And Be Productive: The Other Side Of Languishing

Mental Health Continuum

Perhaps for the first time ever in human history is the whole world going through collective grief. There is uncertainty everywhere. Your family and friends are constantly worried and anxious about their health and yours, and you, in turn, are worried about their health and betterment. Productivity has taken a hit, sleep patterns have changed, […]