What is Shadow Work and How Can It Benefit You?

the unconscious mind

It was Carl Jung, the great psychoanalyst who said “The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.” When we talk about shadows, we often associate it with dark aspects, simply because our literal shadows are dark as well. This negative connotation often leads to misunderstandings about what shadow work is, and perhaps scares some people […]

How Corrective Emotional Experiences Might Help Heal Trauma

How therapists heal trauma

When we talk about corrective emotional experiences, we’re referring to how your therapist would take you back to certain trauma-inducing experiences or situations which you could not handle back then, and bring about a fresher perspective with the help of a more supportive and conducive environment.  Looking back at these experiences from a different perspective […]

The Need for Queer-Affirmative Therapy

Need for queer affirmative therapy

It’s June, which also happens to be Pride Month – and there’s no better way to start it off than by addressing the need for queer-affirmative therapy and the need for more queer-affirmative therapists. But before we delve into the why, let’s look at the what. What is queer-affirmative therapy? Queer-affirmative therapy is “an approach […]